Land Rights, Climate Justice and Palestine: In Conversation With Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh

Photograph’s from yesterday’s panel discussion and conversation with Palestinian writer, academic, biologist and activist, Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh, from the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability at the Bethlehem University. Professor Qumsiyeh, who is in Australia on a national tour, is also the founder and director of the Palestine Museum of Natural History.

Also speaking was Rawan Arraf, Principal Lawyer and Director of the Australian Centre for International Justice.

The event took place at the National Teacher’s Federation Conference Centre and was hosted by Ahmed Abadla and Jana Fayyad, with an Acknowledgment of Country performed by City of Sydney councillor, Emelda Davis.

The event was organised by Move Beyond Coal, ASU Members for Palestine, Palestine Action Group Sydney, Climate Activists for Palestine, Union Aid Abroad APHEDA, Palestine Justice Movement Sydney, Muslim Collective, Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine, City of Sydney for Palestine, Sydney Climate Coalition and Water for Rivers.

*Click through images for full screen view